Posts tagged moon monday
Moon Mondays- 4/22/2024

Hey there, Pixies! Welcome to Moon Monday. Join me as we explore this week’s lunar forecast.

Are you ready to deepen your connection with the moon?

Learning to work with the moon phases and the zodiac signs they reside in can offer profound insights and guidance for navigating life's journey. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the world of astrology, there are a variety of options available to explore and harness these energies.

Option 1: Explore This Series

For those eager to dive into the world of lunar phases, this series provides an overview of the moon phases and the zodiac signs they traverse. Each installment offers valuable insights and practical tips for aligning with the unique energies of each phase, empowering you to navigate life with clarity and intention.

Option 2: Attend Our Monthly New and Full Moon Ceremonies

For a deeper immersion into the magic of the moon, consider joining our monthly New and Full Moon Ceremonies. During these transformative gatherings, participants embark on a shamanic journey and soundbath experience, connecting with the energies of the moon and the zodiac sign it illuminates. Through guided meditation and immersive sound healing, you'll not only connect with these cosmic energies but also with yourself, uncovering the profound lessons they hold for your personal growth and evolution. Additionally, each attendee will receive a take-home item and ritual to work with the specific moon phase, empowering them to integrate the experience into their daily lives.

As part of the ceremony, participants will also receive a Grimoire sheet containing detailed information about the current placement of the moon and its astrological significance. This valuable resource provides insights and guidance for working with the energies of the moon phase in alignment with your personal intentions and goals.

Furthermore, participants will have the opportunity to engage in 15 minutes of salt therapy with other attendees, allowing them to ground and process the experience in a supportive and nurturing environment. They can be booked individually or with memberships and class pass options!

Option 3: Dive Deeper with "Dancing with Moonlight" Coaching Course

Coming soon, our "Dancing with Moonlight" coaching course offers a personalized journey into the mysteries of the moon phases and zodiac signs. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, you'll receive tailored guidance and support as you explore the unique gifts and challenges of each lunar cycle. From setting intentions to navigating challenges, this course will empower you to harness the transformative energies of the moon and live in alignment with your highest purpose.

Monday: Seeking Harmony with the Nearly Full Moon in Libra

Our voyage begins with the glow of a nearly full moon in Libra, beckoning us to seek equilibrium and balance in our lives. Libra, the cosmic diplomat represented by the scales, invites us to examine the delicate dance between our emotions and relationships.

Take a moment to reflect on areas of imbalance, particularly in communication and connection with others. Libra teaches us the importance of perspective, urging us to step back and assess our roles in maintaining harmony. Because of Libra’s need for peace and balance, I’d like us all to focus on where in our lives we might be quieting ourselves to people please.

People-pleasing, though often well-intentioned, is one of the quietest forms of manipulation. By prioritizing the desires and expectations of others over one's own authenticity and well-being, individuals engage in a pattern of behavior aimed at gaining approval or avoiding conflict. This behavior can create a facade of harmony while suppressing genuine emotions and hindering personal growth. In essence, people-pleasing involves subtly manipulating others' perceptions and responses to maintain a sense of control or security in relationships. However, this manipulation ultimately erodes trust and authenticity, denying both the individual and those around them the opportunity for genuine connection and growth.

Tuesday to Thursday: Embracing Transformation under the Full Moon in Scorpio

As we journey into Scorpio's waters, we prepare for a profound experience of emotional depth and transformation. The full moon in Scorpio shines a light on the shadows within, urging us to release what no longer serves our highest good. Just as the moon sheds its light on the darkness of the night, we too are encouraged to shed light on our own shadows, allowing them to come to the surface for acknowledgment and healing. In this sense, the full moon acts as a guiding beacon, leading us on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Scorpio's influence during the full moon amplifies this process of release and transformation. As a water sign, Scorpio is deeply attuned to the realm of emotions, particularly those that are karmic or deeply rooted within our subconscious. Under Scorpio's influence, we are urged to confront these buried emotions and experiences, allowing them to rise to the surface for integration and understanding. This can be an emotionally intense period, as we navigate the depths of our psyche and confront the shadows that dwell within.

However, it is through this process of confrontation and release that we find liberation and empowerment. By acknowledging and releasing what no longer serves us, we create space for new growth and opportunities to enter our lives. Like the phoenix rising from the ashes, we emerge from the full moon's transformative energies renewed and revitalized, ready to embark on the next chapter of our journey with clarity and purpose.

The Scorpio full moon isn't to be feared; rather, it offers an opportunity for intense passion and creativity to flourish. Under its influence, we may find ourselves drawn to artistic pursuits, tapping into our deepest emotions to create works of beauty and expression.

Additionally, this moon phase can ignite the flames of romance, infusing our relationships with a newfound sense of passion and excitement. However, it's essential to approach this intensity with caution, especially during Mercury retrograde. While our emotions may be running high, it's important to discern between genuine connections and fleeting desires. If thoughts of rekindling an old flame arise, it's wise to exercise caution and consider whether it aligns with our highest good. (We’re still in retrograde, fam—just say no. And perhaps reflect on wounds and lessons still lingering in regards to this person).

Friday: Expanding Perspectives as We Enter Sagittarius

As the moon transitions into Sagittarius, we embrace a spirit of adventure and expansion. Sagittarius, the cosmic explorer, invites us to broaden our horizons and embrace the unknown with enthusiasm and optimism.

During this time of transition, resist the urge to cling to familiarity. Instead, view this as an opportunity for personal growth and expansion. Allow yourself to surrender to the journey, trusting that the universe is guiding you towards new experiences and opportunities.

The Disseminating Moon phase marks a time of sharing knowledge and wisdom with others. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, encourages us to share our insights and beliefs with the world around us. Whether through travel, education, or philosophical discussions, we are invited to connect with others on a deeper level and explore the vast tapestry of human experience.

Full Moon Grounding Ritual: Connecting with Earth

  1. Preparation: Find a quiet outdoor space. Begin by taking a few deep breaths, allowing yourself to relax and become present in the moment.

  2. Visualization: Close your eyes and imagine yourself standing on the shore of a vast lake. Feel the cool breeze against your skin and the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore. As you listen to the soothing sound of the water, visualize roots extending from the soles of your feet, sinking deep into the earth below.

  3. Connecting with Earth: With each breath, imagine your roots growing stronger and deeper, anchoring you firmly to the earth's core. Feel the energy of the earth rising up through your roots, filling you with a sense of stability and strength. As you connect with the earth beneath you, allow yourself to release any tension or negativity, letting it flow down into the ground to be transmuted and transformed.

  4. Body Drumming: To further enhance your connection with the earth's energy, gently drum your fingertips and palms against your body in a rhythmic pattern. As you drum, imagine each beat sending vibrations of grounding energy deep into the earth, strengthening your connection and aligning your energy with the natural rhythms of the earth.

  5. Closing: Take a moment to express gratitude, When you feel grounded and centered, slowly open your eyes and take a few more deep breaths, allowing yourself to fully integrate the experience.